你好!你快樂嗎? 仍記得上次感到快樂所為何事? 快樂是感受,是回憶,也可以是一次意想不到的發現。請隨便抽一張卡,找支筆;再按卡上指示,在字牆上標示出一個可以令你快樂的方法,並記錄在卡上,自行保留著這份小驚喜。喚醒感官,捕足感受,嘗試與他人分享生活點滴,彼此連結,互相滋養。其實快樂可以很簡單。 試一試尋找和創造令自己快樂的回憶吧!
Hey there ! Are you happy today ? Do you still remember what made you feel joyful last time ? Happiness is a way of feeling, a memory and comes with small surprises on discoveries. Randomly pick a colour card and a pen, then find out and highlight the happiness you spot on the wall according to the guide written on the card. Don’t forget to record down the happiness you found on card and keep it in your own memory box, from time to time, to be refreshed, recalled and shared with people around. Hands up and grab your own happiness from now on !
展覽:「給快樂的設計 」
主辦: @designspectrum.hk
策展團隊: Mike Design
《100種尋找快樂的方法》裝置設計: @kacama_design_lab