Art at East : City Symphony
Inspired by EAST's passion for creativity, community and urbanism, the brand's art programme #ArtatEAST explores questions of urban living and sustainability through artistic expression, helping go-getting urbanites make the most of the city through exploration of new ideas and collaborations with local artists and designers.
@easthongkong joins hands with interactive design & tech studio The Collective @thecollectivehk, independent music producer Edmund Leung, eco-design studio @kacama_design_lab and woodwork artists @screw_up_studio to present an interactive exhibition "#ArtatEAST: City Symphony" at the hotel lobby. Merging art and technology, the five "sound monsters" - Doggy, Waterfall Spider, Mr. Bench, The Rotator and Lady Wild Card were built entirely with wood recovered from other uses and projects. Guests can interact with the five "sound monsters" individually and hear each of the unique sounds that were collected from the Taikoo neighbourhood, or choose to activate all the "sound monsters" together to compose a full City Symphony!
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@香港東隅與互動設計工作室The Collective、獨立音樂製作人梁卓堃、環保設計工作室@KaCaMa Design Lab及木工藝術家@Screw Up Studio攜手,在酒店大堂設置「#ArtatEAST: City Symphony」互動裝置藝術。融合藝術與科技,五個造型獨特的裝置:喇叭狗、估你唔到小姐、木櫈先生、旋轉頭和水濂蜘蛛,更以回收再利用的木材來搭建裝置。客人可以與它們互動,傾聽專屬太古社區的聲音;更可和親朋好友一起啟動裝置,演奏出一首都市交響曲。