完美的失敗 Flawless failure
Success deserves happiness, but that doesn't mean failure equates to sadness. We hope that our participants are willing to try. Even in the face of failure, one can find a special kind of happiness in the experience.
Therefore, we specifically designed a race track with a 0.1% success rate. Participants can put any objects, with differing weights, into the cart to compete on our race track. The settings will only allow the cart with a specific weight to pass through. If it's too light or too heavy, the cart will fly out of the track or collapse in collision. During the challenge, participants can experience the happiness found in failing spectacularly.
成功是值得開心,但失敗都不一定就讓人不快 樂。我們希望參加者勇於嘗試,即使遇上失敗, 亦可以從中得到另一種快樂的經驗。
所以我們特 別設計了一條成功率低於0.1%的賽道。 讓大家可以任意把不同重量的物件放到裝置裡的車子上,挑戰我們的賽道。這裝置只會允許特定重量的車子通過,如果過輕或過重,車子就會飛出賽道或遭撞散。參加者可以從嘗試中體驗失敗的樂趣。