團隊非常興奮地向大家介紹我們與@glueassociates合作的最新作品 - 一個融合本地手藝元素的Pop-up Store。項目中,我們的設計工作室有幸與兩位非常有才華的合作夥伴攜手合作:白鐵專家@naam_yu和木工專家@madefurniturehk。團隊希望設計將不同的本地元素融入商店,將其無縫地融入日常生活中,同時展示我們的文化面貌。
團隊相信創造的空間不僅應該具有功能性,還應該反映出社區的本質。通過GOC PopUp store,希望可以探索到到本地手藝與現代設計相結合的一種可能。
We are excited to present our latest collaboration with @glueassociates - a Pop-up Store that combines local craftsmanship elements. In this project, our design studio had the opportunity to partner with two talented collaborators: @naam_yu, a specialist in white ironwork, and @madefurniturehk, a woodworking expert. The team aims to seamlessly integrate different local elements into the store, showcasing our cultural identity while making them a part of everyday life.
The team believes that creating spaces should not only be functional but also reflect the essence of the community. Through the GOC PopUp Store, we hope to explore the possibility of combining local craftsmanship with modern design.
Client : @glueassociates
Production partners:
Designed by