Hunger pill
Impoverished farmers are unable to cultivate their own land because of malnutrition. “That’s fate, isn’t it? Why can’t they accept the reality passively?” “Aren’t they idled? Work harder instead of blaming others!” Barren lands won’t become fertile because of those sarcastic words. After hundred days of toil, the harvest was just uneven. After generations of harvest failure, farmers are unable to break out from impoverishment and lapse into a poverty-stricken status. Stick and stones may break my bones but words can’t hurt me; Sickness is horrifying and drugs are bitter, however “They are not talking about hunger satisfied is their human right, but starvation causing death!” Scraps of food we wasted everyday, in effect, might be remedy for them. We are now sincerely inviting you to buy our pre-packed & refined corn kernels “medicine”. Follow our instructions to replace your regular meals, try to experience the farmer’s starvation and cure the “food-wasting syndrome”.
赤貧的農民因為營養不良,無力種田。「誰叫他們生於斯,長於斯? 命運生成,能不接受?」「在閒混吧? 怨天怨地,倒不如發奮做人?」 貧瘠的土地無法改造,百日辛勞換來良莠不齊的收成,眼見農民無力翻身,墮入代代貧窮的無間循環 。 說話難聽? 生病可怕? 吃藥很苦? 「 吃飯不是人民的權利,饑餓才是他們致命的絕症! 」 你我大享快頣後浪費的一點點食物,卻可能是他們的靈丹妙藥!現在誠邀你 /妳/您購買栗米精鍊成「藥」,每餐服一粒,讓我們定時體驗饑餓,醫好「浪費食物病」。