Phonograph of Fishing Song
物料 : 回收木 Material : Recycle Wood
香港從前是從一個事漁業的小城市。但隨著經濟起飛,社會轉型,現在巳經很少人會將漁 業和香港扯上關係。雖然漁業曾經是對香港非常重要的行業,可是政府對漁業既不甚 重視,而且相關文的化保育亦不多。市民想了解漁民的文化,也不容易。這一次的展覽, 我們用回收木材製作成藝術裝置,亦得到《岸上漁歌》的導演馬智恆的幫忙,搜集了一些 有特色的漁歌分享大眾,希望透過這個作品與參加者互動,令大眾更加了解漁民從前的生 活和文化。
Hong Kong was once a small city where most people fished for a living. However, as the economy took off and now that society has been transformed, few would link Hong Kong to fishery. Even though fishery was once an extremely important industry in Hong Kong, the government did not recognize its importance, not to mention its cultural preservation. As a result, it is not that easy for citizens to learn about the culture of fishermen. For this exhibition, we have used recycled wood in creating the artworks, and with the help of Ma Chi Hang (Director of "Ballad on the Shore"), we have gathered some special fisherman's songs to share with you. We hope that participants would have interactions with the artworks, and can learn more about the lives and culture of fishermen in the past.