你準備好一起「玩浪」嗎? 現正施工的「東廊板道」落成後,將會讓你更接近海浪,引發更多想像! 呼應板道主題區域「PLAY WAVE - 淘.童夢之園」,眼前的室外空間將幻化成浪形遊樂場! 置身其中,你能妣聽、觀、玩、享的方式,率先與海浪互動,并了解更多「玩」的歷史。
Get ready to play with the waves! Soon the IEC Boardwalk will bring you closer to the waves. Imagine the shape of the wave transforming into a wave-shaped playground, where you can have fun and learn about ”play history“ all at once!
Designed by : @kacama_design_lab , @hk_nomad
Creative Agency: @createnyay
Client: CEDD