Project_ climb and boulder hk
As the core value of project_, we recognize the passion, enthusiasm when comes to climbing. Expanding the love we share for climbing, as we are stubborn in ways when comes to it.
Project_ provides a space for climbers to work towards their respective goals in the field of climbing, bouldering to be specific. We offer many methods and introduce new perspectives for a wide range of climbing skill.
Indoor bouldering has been existing for a long time already, but its popularity has increased dramatically over the past decade. To some, it may seems strange or peculiar, few might question whether if it's safe.
Obviously there are risks to it, like any sports or activities. But here at project_, we make sure you take those risks under acceptance circumstances such as safety. With the appropriate knowledge and preparation, anyone can take certain risks. After all, all you need are your limbs and your focus to take the leap of faith, then you'll see what's on the other side.