是由Kacama Design Lab與Screw Up Studio為上海街618設計的系列流動Pop-up商店和流動家具。我們的創作理念源於香港街頭文化,靈感來自於油麻地果欄使用的回收發泡膠手推車,以及香港商販特有的朝行晚拆的特點。每個設計都帶有流動的元素,讓它們方便穿梭不同地點(走鬼)。流動家具更加入社區參與的原素,透過公眾參與的工作坊,設計出乎合社區的功能。也引用了康樂街建材既車仔既社區特色,變成設計的藍本。設計還可以根據不同場景的需要進行多功能的改變。我們希望通過這些作品展現香港人的靈活多變和適應力強的生活態度。
The "Urban Mobile Collection" is a series of mobile pop-up shops and mobile furniture designed for Shanghai Street 618 by Kacama Design Lab and Screw Up Studio. Our creative concept draws inspiration from Hong Kong's street culture, specifically the recycling foam trolleys used in Yau Ma Tei's fruit stalls and the distinct characteristic of Hong Kong vendors setting up and dismantling their stalls daily. Each design incorporates elements of mobility, allowing them to easily traverse different locations (ghosting). The mobile furniture also emphasizes community engagement, with designs tailored to the specific needs of the neighborhood through public participation workshops. We also reference the distinctive features of the carts used in the construction materials market on Hong Kong's Kong Lok Street as a design blueprint. The designs can be transformed into multifunctional configurations to adapt to different scenarios. Through these creations, we aim to showcase the adaptable and resilient lifestyle attitude of Hong Kong people.
Client: Urban Renewal Authority (URA)
Design and production partner : @screw_up_studio