Waste in a wrust
The idea of this tricycle planting stall, Waste in the wurst, comes from the mobile sausage stalls in Germany. Imitating the making of traditional wurst, KaCaMa mixes well soil and leftovers to produce fertilizers in a sausage-shape. With different seeds and a watering circulatory system, this mobile tricycle becomes an ideal eco-stall, inducing the public to explore the possibilities of planting.
垃腸三輪車是一個流動的種植平台,靈感來自在德國無處不在的流動香腸販賣車。KaCaMa 參考傳統香腸的製法,把泥土和廚餘混合,製作出香腸形狀的堆肥。配合不同的種子和循環灌溉系統,構建理想的綠色小販檔,讓大眾思考種植的無盡可能。